Reporting verbs(exercises)
Say to...that... (сказать...)
Remind (напомнить)
Advise (посоветовать)
Invite (пригласить)
Warn (предупредить)
Recommend (рекомендовать)
Apologise for (извиниться за)
Criticise (критиковать)
Offer (предлагать)
Promise (обещать)
Refuse (отказывать)
Ask (спрашивать)
Beg (просить,умолять)
Order (приказать)
Explain (объяснить)
Threaten (угрожать)
Promise (обещать)
Agree (согласиться)
Прямая речь:
Косвенная речь:
tonight, today, this week / month / year
that night, that day, that week / month / year
then, at that time, at once, immediately
now that
1 yesterday, last night / week / month / year
the day before, the previous night / week / month /year
I tomorrow, next week / month / year
the day after, the next / following day, the next /following week / month / year
two days / months / years, etc., ago
two days / months / years, etc., before
"He arrived last week," she said.
She said (that) he had arrived the previous week.
Обычно не меняется:
Past Continuous обычно не меняется.
She'll say, "I can do it”. --------- She'll say (that) she can do it.
"The Earth is round," said the teacher. -------The teacher said (that) the Earth is round.
Rewrite each question in indirect speech, beginning as shown.
a) 'You can't park here.' The police officer told Jack …...............................................................................
b) 'I'll see you in the morning, Helen.' Peter told Helen.................................................................................
c) 'I'm taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening.' Janet said ..........................................................................
d) 'The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.' Paul told the dry-cleaners …................................................
e) ' I left my umbrella here two days ago.' Susan told them .........................................................................
f) 'The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week.' Brian said …...........................................................
g) 'I like this hotel very much.' Diana told me ...….......................................................................................
h) 'I think it's going to rain tonight. William said...........................................................................................
I) 'What time does the film start, Peter?' I asked …......................................................................................
j) 'Do you watch television every evening, Chris ?' The interviewer asked….......................................................
k) 'Why did you apply for this job?' asked the sales manager.The sales manager asked me...................................
l) 'Are you taking much money with you to France?' My bank manager wanted to know...................................... m) 'When will I know the results of the examination?' Maria asked the examiner ….............................................
n) 'Are you enjoying your flight?' The stewardess asked me............................................................................
o) 'How does the photocopier work?'I askedthe salesman.............................................................................
p) 'Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?' Sue asked Paul ….............................................................................
q)'I want to know how much this bike costs. Can you tell me?' John asked how…...............................................
r) Took, don't worry, I'll help you if you like.' Sue said she…............................................................................
s) 'All right, I tell you what, the car's yours for, let's say £500.' The salesman said I could …................................
t) 'I hope you don't mind my saying this, but you're being a bit silly, aren't you?'Peter told me I..............................
u)'It doesn't look as if I'll be arriving until after eight, I'm afraid.' Jane said she probably........................
a) The police officer told Jack that he couldn't park there.
b) Peter told Helen that he would see her in the/the next morning.
c) Janet said that she was taking the 5.30 train the next/following evening.
d) Paul told the dry-cleaners that the trousers had to be ready that afternoon.
e) Susan told them that she had left her umbrella there two days earlier/before.
f) Brian said that the parcel ought to be there by the end of the following week.
g) Diana told me that she liked the/ that hotel very much.
h) William said that he thought it was going to rain that night.
i) I asked Peter what time the film started.
j) The interviewer asked Chris if he watched television every evening.
k) The sales manager asked me why I had applied for the/that job.
l)My bank manager wanted to know if I was taking much money with me to France.
m)Maria asked the examiner when she would know the results of the examination.
n)The stewardess asked me if I was enjoying my flight.
o)I asked the salesman how the photocopier worked.
p)Sue asked Paul if he had ever been to Japan.
q)much the bike cost
r)would help me
s)have the car for £500
t)was being a bit silly
u)wouldn't arrive until after eight.