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воскресенье, 27 марта 2016 г.

Примерный текст устного монологического высказывания из задания №3 в устной части ОГЭ

Итак, монологическое высказывание должно обязательно содержать
1. Вступление (можно взять из самого задания)
2. По каждому пункту 3 развернутых фразы. Не забываем, что повествование должно быть логично, взаимосвязано; от пункта к пункту переходим при помощи связок.
3. Завершение
Примерно должно получиться 11-12 предложений.
Рассмотрим следующее задание:
Задание: You are going to give a talk about hobby of one of your parents, relatives or a person you know. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
• what this hobby is
• whether this hobby is popular with people in other countries
• whether you would like to take up this hobby and why
You have to talk continuously.
      I’m going to tell you about a hobby of my dad. A hobby is an activity which you enjoy doing in your free time.
      I’m sure, everybody has a hobby. As for my Dad, he’s fond of collecting. He’s been collecting stamps from different countries for thirty years. His collection is rather large.
      No doubt, this hobby is popular with people in other countries. Some collectors can boast of having rare or old stamps in their albums. Now many people collect stamps from the postcards they receive doing postcrossing. 
      In my view, collecting stamps is a great idea. I’m eager to take it up. I think collecting stamps helps to learn more interesting information about different countries. 
      I hope I’ll be able to realize my dream.
      That’s all I wanted to say.

ОГЭ устная часть.Монолог.

суббота, 26 марта 2016 г.

Устная часть ЕГЭ. Задание С 5.

При описании картинки в данном задании очень часто бывают 

ошибки в неумении правильно  начать и завершить описание.

 Тут я предлагаю несколько вариантов.

Перед самым началом не забудьте произнести фразу о том,какое фото вы выбрали. 
Это не вступление,это информация для экзаменатора! I have chosen photo №...
Только затем начинаем само описание фотографии.

Как начать:

-Look here! I'd like to show you my family album.
- Have a look at this photo,Peter.
- You asked me to show you my favourite photo. Here.....

Как завершить описание:

- Do you like this photo? Isn't it nice/ moving/ funny?
- Will you show me your favourite photos from your family album next time?
- That's all I wanted to tell you.

вторник, 8 марта 2016 г.

March, 8 is women's holiday, a holiday of spring and attention to the woman.

8th of March- Women Day .
The International Women Day
International Women's Day -The 8-th of March! Tt's one of most important holidays in Russia. The celebration is similar to a combination betweenValentine's Day and Mother's Day in the West but better. This is a national holiday and a day off. Several nations celebrate this, but only a few acknowledge it as an official, non-working holiday .
If you forgot to send a rose on Valentine's Day, it's only half the trouble. But if you forgot to send a rose to your lady, her/your mother, her/your sister and her/your daughter on the 8th of March, you are in a really big trouble! Women's Day Gift Ideas!
At this day All Russian Men traditionally congratulate All Women in their lives (their mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, girl-friends, teachers...) with first spring flowers: pink, mimosa, and tulips, candy and cards with self-made short poems. Every Woman of any age has present on this day, all women are honored! At this day Russian women are surrounded with flowers, love, and poems and caress . She doesn't aloud to do anything in house at that day: men's do all cooking, cleaning…. The Women Day - 8th of March is the best holyday for Russian women of any age.
I some way the history of this holyday is connected with ancient Rome. There was a special Women day for noble women. All free borne women, who were married, got presents from their husbands at this day. They were surrounded by love and attention.But even slaves women had not work at that day. Rome women visited temple of Divinity Vestal, who was a keeper of home hearth.

Today Many Russian women appreciate the extra attention at this day , but at the same time the holiday highlights the lack of rights and respect many women receive, both at home and the workplace and not only in russia but all over the world .
Lets take a look at history of International Women's Day:

At 8-th of March 1857 American women - textile workers of New York City held a demonstration over town streets. They were protesting against the low earnings and bad trade conditions.
At 19 century , women began to defend for their human rights. Strong gender segregation and a small percentage of employed women in industrially developed countries marked the years prior to the historical 1910. Those who were employed worked exclusively in the textile industry, manufacture, and as service staff in households. They worked in very bad conditions, and for extremely small pay. At the same time, great crises repeatedly strike the industry. Women workers' coalitions, which did not belong to the trade unions, found themselves in an unenviable position, while the unions gained more and more strength. In Europe, Great Britain, America, and to a lesser extent Australia, women lobby ever more for their suffrage. This struggle seemed as if it suppressed all other aspects of women's lives, and new, revolutionary changes were getting a visible shape.

1903USA - Trade unions and independent women's associations also supporting women's suffrage, founded the Women's Trade Union League, in order to help women workers to gain political and economic strength. It was still a time of hard work conditions and poverty.

1908USA - Last Sunday in the February of 1908, American women socialists marked the first Women's Day, by organizing large demonstrations. They demand not only suffrage for women, but also the realization of their political and economic rights. Next year, 2.000 people participated in the demonstrations on Manhattan.

1909, USA - This year, the women workers of textile industry organized a general strike. Around 30.000 women workers went on strike for 13 weeks. They demanded better pay and better work conditions. The Women's Trade Union League paid bail for the arrested, and financially helped the strikers' fund.

1910, USA - The Women's Day was accepted by women socialists and feminists all over the USA

1910, Copenhagen - The delegation from the Trade Unions is present at the Second International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen, with the intention of suggesting that Women's Day be made an international holiday.

Clara Cetkin from German Socialist Party - a strong advocate of women's suffrage, had a great influence over the international socialist movement. Clara Cetkin incited by the happenings and the actions of American women workers, shaped the demand for marking a single day in a year, when women would lobby for their interests. Over a hundred women from 17 countries attended the Conference, representing trade unions, socialist parties, women workers' clubs. As the result the suggestion of Clara Cetkin was accepted unanimously, of the marking the Women's Day. On the conference, the importance of women's suffrage was once again confirmed: the right to vote, which would not be based on the rights of property. Namely, some socialists held that women's suffrage would easier be attained through realizing rights of ownership, while others, including theGerman activist Clara Cetkin, and the Russian activist - Alexandra Kollontai, fought for the realization of this right as a obligatory and separate part of the socialist program. A universal suffrage was also demanded - for all adult women and men. One of the conclusions of the conference was also to proclaim work at night as dangerous for women's health. Workers from Sweden and Denmark opposed this, for, as they stated, it was work during night shift that was an irreplaceable source of income. It was also demanded that the rights of married mothers be made equal to those of single mothers, for which Alexandra Kollontai fought vigorously, but her efforts did not give results.

1911 - As a result of the decisions made in Copenhagen, the Women's day was first marked on the 19th of March, in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. More than a million women and men celebrated it. They demanded not only women's suffrage, but also making the right to work possible, professional improving, and abolishing sexual discrimination.

On the 25th of March 1911 in New York, more than 14 women workers, mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants, were killed in a tragic fire . The accident, which was the consequence of bad work conditions, would be a powerful influence on the labor legislation in the United States of America.

1913-1914, Russia - As part of the pacifist movement, which started its activities in the eve of the First World War, Russian women marked the Women's Day for the first time, on the last Sunday of February 1913. Elsewhere in Europe, the Women's Day was celebrated on, or around, the 8th of March, either as an antiwar protest, or as an expression of solidarity with the women of Russia.

1917, Russia - 2 million Russian soldiers dead in the war. Once again, Russian women chose the last Sunday of February to mark Women's day, and demand rights to "bread and peace". The political top of Russia opposed the timing of the strike, but the women went on anyway …

Four days later, the Russian Tsar abdicated, and the temporary government guaranteed women the right to vote. This historical Sunday, according to the Julian calendar, which was at that time in use in Russia, went on the 23rd of February, and according to the otherwise used Gregorian calendar, on the 8th of March. It was taken as the day when the entire world will mark the international holiday - Women's Day. Women and women's organizations around the world mark Women's Day, and many countries have it for a national holiday So as you see Russia celebrates Women Day from 1913 till nowadays.

As you see The 8th of March is typically celebration of feminist and women's rights groups. But at the meanwhile, as life in Russia is different from that in the USA in many ways the 8th of March is one of most favorite holiday for all Russian women and along with New Year and Christmas and Valentine's Day it is also one of most romantic holiday. For Russian Women the- 8 of March "Women day" a real holyday of Love and Spring.

понедельник, 7 марта 2016 г.

Traditional Russian customs during the Pancake Week

Rituals and customs during the Pancake week (Maslenisa) in Russia

Festive feast, the Pancake week in RussiaPerhaps the most cheerful holiday in Russia is the Pancake week (Shrovetide). This holiday is considered to come from pre-Christian times, when the Slavs were still pagans.
In the old days Maslenitsa was for remembrance of the dead. So the burning of the figure of Maslenitsa means her funeral, and blini (pancakes) – coliphia. But with time the Russians longing for fun and entertainment turned the sad holiday into jolly Maslenitsa with blini - round, yellow and hot as the sun, sledding and horse sleigh riding, fistfights and mother-in-law chatting. The rituals of Maslenitsa are very unusual and interesting because they combine the end of the winter holiday rituals and the opening of new spring festivals and ceremonies, which were to promote a rich harvest.
Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week preceding the Lent. Every day of Maslenitsa was devoted to special rituals.

Monday, Maslenisa

On Monday Maslenitsa was welcomed. On that day people made the straw-stuffed figure of Winter, dressed it in old women’s clothing and singing carried it on sleigh around the village. Then the figure was put onto snow-covered slope that people used for tobogganing, which was considered not just fun, but the ancient rite, because it was thought that the one who came down the hill more than once was likely to have tall flax in summer.
Festive costumes, the Pancake week in RussiaFestive costumes, the Pancake week in RussiaFestive costumes, the Pancake week in Russia

Tuesday, Maslenisa

Tuesday was called “zaigrysh” (game day). From that day on the whole village started all sorts of activities: sleigh riding, folk festivals, skomorokh (traveling actors) and puppet shows. The streets were full of people in carnival costumes and masks, who visited homes of their neighbors and organized impromptu concerts. Large companies rode troikas and simple sleighs.
Pancake Week in 18th century Moscow was hard to imagine without bear shows. Bear fun was very popular among all classes of the population of towns and cities, towns, and villages. Trained bears amused the audience, imitating girls putting makeup are in front of the mirror or women baking pancakes.

Wednesday, Maslenisa

Wednesday - gourmand – opened feasts in houses with blini and other dishes. Each household had tables with delicious food, baked pancakes, and brewed beer. Tents selling all kinds of food appeared everywhere. They sold hot sbiten (drinks from water, honey and spices), nuts, honey gingerbreads and poured tea from boiling samovars.
Festive Maslenisa feast, RussiaFestive Maslenisa feast, RussiaFestive Maslenisa feast, Russia

Thursday, Maslenisa

On Thursday – revelry – came the climax of games and fun. It was then that the hottest fistfights took place.

Friday, Maslenisa

If on Wednesday sons-in-law were treated with pancakes in their mothers-in-law homes, on Friday it was their turn to arrange evenings with blini. On the day before mothers-in-law had to send to their sons-in-law homes everything necessary for blini making: pans, ladles etc., and fathers-in-law sent a bag of buckwheat and some butter. The disrespect of the tradition from the part of a son-in-law was considered dishonor and insult; it was a reason for life-long enmity.
A special attention during Maslenitsa was paid to conjugal relations: the couples, married the previous were honored and celebrated. The newlyweds were put on the spot in villages: they were forced to each other in public, thrown at with old bast shoes and straw and sometimes could come to the home of newlyweds and kiss the young wife. Tradition required that they dress smartly and go to public places in painted sleigh, pay a call to all who had visited their wedding, and go down icy slope under accompaniment of a solemn song. Maslenitsa was the time of mutual visits of families, which recently became related. 
Maslenitsa scarecrow, RussiaFolk dancing, Maslenisa in RussiaThe burning of the Maslenitsa scarecrow, Russia

Saturday, Maslenisa

Saturday was devoted to the visits of relatives paid to young wives.

Sunday, Maslenisa

Sunday was named “forgiveness”. On that day people asked each other for forgiveness for all grievances and troubles; in the evening people went to cemeteries and “bid farewell” to the dead. On the last day of Maslenitsa comes the most interesting event – saying goodbye to Maslenitsa - a solemn burning of the stuffed figure of winter. People threw the remnants of pancakes and food to the huge bonfire explaining their children that all the nourishing food disappeared in fire to prepare them for the Lent.

The end of Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa ended with the first day of the Lent – Clean Monday, which was considered the day of purification from sin and fast forbidden food. On Clean Monday people usually washed in a bath; women washed dishes, cleaning them from grease and remains of forbidden food.